Westmoreland County Transit Authority’s Transit Development Plan

Westmoreland County Transit Authority strives to connect people to life. In order to better serve our communities, we have partnered with The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) to create a Transit Development Plan (TDP). This plan will serve as a strategic blueprint for improvements to the transit service for Westmoreland County over the next several years.

Over the years, so much has changed in the County, including how people travel and how transit services are operated. The WCTA will be conducting this planning process to evaluate and update our services and transit network to respond to changes in demand.

Your input is a vital part of planning these improvements. If you have any ideas, questions, or comments please feel free to send us an email at customerservice@westmorelandtransit.com, fill out one of our online forms at westmorelandtransit.com/about/contact-westmoreland-transit, or give us a call at (724) 834-9282. WCTA will also be out in the community during the development of this plan, so if you see us stop by and say hello and share any of your thoughts or ideas. With your help we can ensure that Westmoreland County Transit Authority can continue to connect people to life!