The Growing Problem of Obesity

By Lois Thomson

A study by the World Health Organization reveals that one billion people on Earth are obese, or, approximately one in eight. And that number has doubled among adults and quadrupled among 5- to 19-year-olds in the past three decades and continues to grow.

This shouldn't be a surprise because many people are leading more sedentary lifestyles and are disregarding healthy eating habits. People know what actions they should take but implementing them isn't easy. However, ignoring them for too long can be disastrous. Consider, for example, that obesity increases the risk of many diseases, including cardiovascular, type 2 diabetes, and respiratory disease. It is also considered to be a cause of more than a dozen different types of cancer.

While not easy, addressing the issue of obesity is critical. Steps you can take include:

  • Developing healthier eating habits by stressing whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, and limiting extra sugar and fats

  • Taking part in physical activities based on recommendations for your age

  • Making careful choices when eating out, particularly at public events such as fairs or festivals or sporting events

  • Making overall health and well-being a priority

Starting with small steps in each category can help the undertaking be easier to begin and stick to.