Keep Winter Weather from Harming Your Joints

By Andrew Wilson

In winter, people warm up their cars for 10 minutes before driving but expect their bodies to be ready immediately once they step outside. Todd P. Balog, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon with St. Clair Medical Group, believes we should treat our bodies at least as well as we treat our cars.

Todd P. Balog, M.D.

“Our joints have natural lubrication with a substance called synovial fluid, and that can become thicker in the winter,” he said. “Changes in the barometric pressure can affect how our joints perform as well. Additionally, our muscles act as dynamic enablers of our joints and when they are cold, there will be extra pressure on the joint.”

Dr. Balog recommends warming up the muscles and joints before leaving the house with some simple warm up exercises such as leg swings, torso twists, and bodyweight squats.

  • Leg swings – While holding on to a sturdy piece of furniture, keep one leg stationary and swing the other leg forward and back a couple of times. Then swing that same leg to the side and back a couple of times. Repeat this process with the other leg.

  • Torso twists – Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Put your hands together in front of you and rotate your torso side to side several times to warm up your core, back, and hips.

  • Bodyweight squats – Stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips. Keep your back in a neutral position and bend your hips and knees simultaneously lowering yourself until, ideally, your thighs are parallel to the floor. Due to age or previous injury, some people may find it difficult to lower themselves to the point where their thighs are parallel to the floor. Do the best you can. The point is to warm up cold muscles.

Undergoing a few warmup exercises before leaving the house may prevent muscle pulls or strains. And while they can be painful, aren’t the only risk – or even the most dangerous risk – that the winter months hold. Ice and snow can make footing treacherous.

“There is a higher rate of injuries in winter due to slips and falls,” Dr. Balog said. “The number of hip fractures that we see in the winter months increases.”

Because older people are most at risk for fractures from falling, Dr. Balog reiterates guidance from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that women 65 or older and men 70 or older have a Dexa test to determine bone density and strength. “Generally, females are more prone to osteoporosis, so that’s why it is recommended that they have a Dexa test for osteoporosis earlier than males.”

In addition to wearing boots with very good treads, Dr. Balog also recommends some simple steps in the winter months … quite literally.

“Take very small steps when the ground is snowy or icy. You may appear to be waddling like a penguin, but that’s okay if it keeps you safe,” he said. “Also, don’t be in a hurry. Give yourself enough time to get where you need to go. And use assistance – either a cane or walking stick or another person, whenever needed.”

Evaluating an Injury from a Fall

Although it may sound obvious, the level of pain that one feels following a fall will determine next steps. Dr. Balog says that if a patient is able to bear weight following an injury, then following the acronym R-I-C-E – rest, ice the injured area, compression (wrap the injured area with an ace bandage), and elevate the injured area – along with Tylenol or another anti-inflammatory, is likely the first steps that someone should follow.

“If the pain is at a point where you are unable to bear weight, then it is potentially more serious and an ambulance should be called to take you to the hospital,” Dr. Balog said. “If you are able to bear weight, but the pain persists or increases for several days, you should consult with your primary care physician or an urgent care center.”

When Might Surgery Be Needed?

In most cases, there are a number of therapies to try before surgery, but when it is required, Dr. Balog says the standard is fairly straightforward.

“When pain is preventing you from doing the daily activities that you have to do, as well as preventing you from doing the activities that you enjoy, then surgery is to be considered,” he said. “The goal of surgery is to restore function and also your quality of life.”

Surgery is only the beginning of the process toward restoring a patient’s quality of life. There is also physical rehabilitation following surgery. Following a knee replacement, for example, physical therapy (PT) will take place once a week for four to six weeks. With a hip replacement, PT is twice a week for four to six weeks. However, patients need to understand that the exercises need to be done at home as well as in the PT gym.

“Your full-time job is to recover and you can make a bigger impact by doing those exercises at home than only performing them in the PT gym,” he said. “The whole goal of doing surgery is to improve your quality of life, so we want you to get out there and enjoy doing the things you love.”

Dr. Todd Balog specializes in orthopedic surgery. He earned his medical degree at Uniform Services University of Health Sciences and completed a residency in orthopedic surgery at Madigan Army Medical Center, focusing in total joint replacement. He continued his education and completed his fellowship at New England Baptist Hospital. Dr. Balog is board-certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery. He practices with St. Clair Medical Group and sees patients at St. Clair Health’s Dunlap Family Outpatient Center and Peters Township Outpatient Center. Please call (412) 942-7262 to schedule an appointment.