Hope Has a Home at GRC: An Advanced Recovery Network

Something new is here: something that represents the history and future of Pittsburgh’s largest nonprofit addiction recovery network.

What is GRC’s mission?

To help all those affected by addictive diseases to be healthy in body, mind, and spirit.

What is GRC’s vision?

Eliminate barriers to recovery from addiction and sustained wellness.

What does GRC offer to the community?

The community drives GRC’s cause. GRC is a provider that can be trusted to invest in person-focused care, tailored co-occurring programs, and telehealth access. When connecting with GRC for treatment, a family will feel the compassion, experience, and life-long support of GRC’s recovery leaders.

What impact does GRC have on addiction in the region?

GRC brings hope and healing to hundreds of communities through accessibility, evidence-based treatment, relapse prevention, and family support. GRC has been serving the greater Pittsburgh region since 1972.

What programs does GRC provide?

GRC operates a full continuum of care which can treat a person for a year or more. Levels of care include withdrawal management, residential treatment, outpatient counseling, telehealth counseling, community-based peer recovery support, and halfway house programs.

What values drive programming at GRC?

At GRC, every individual is a being of worth, deserving of treatment and respectful service. Addiction is a primary, chronic disease that involves healing of all dimensions of a person. Recovery from addiction is not one-size-fits-all; success in all forms should be celebrated.

How can someone connect with GRC for help?

GRC offers 24-hour assessment and admissions. The team is available when your loved one is ready to receive help. Call 1-800-472-1177 or connect with a team member of the clinical team online at gatewayrehab.org.