Bladder and Urinary Tract Problems
By Lois Thomson
As you age, it's not unusual for your bladder to become less elastic, resulting in the need to urinate more frequently. The weakened muscles may also make it difficult to empty your bladder completely when you do go, or can cause you to lose control, resulting in incontinence.
The following tips might help to stimulate better health:
Make an effort to urinate on a regular schedule, starting perhaps with once an hour, then slowly increasing the amount of time between trips
Maintain a healthy weight
Don't smoke or use tobacco products
Do Kegel exercises: Squeeze the muscles you would you use to stop passing gas. Try it for three seconds at a time, and then relax for a count of three. Work up to 10 to 15 times in a row, at least three times a day.
Avoid irritants such as caffeine, acidic foods, alcohol, and carbonated beverages, which can exacerbate the problem
Eat more fiber and take other steps to avoid constipation, which can worsen incontinence