Assistive Technology Program Provides Variety of Services
By Lois Thomson
"There are so many different elements to assistive technology, and we're excited to showcase to everyone what's available." Steve Johnson is director of marketing for Voices For Independence (VFI) in Erie and Transitional Paths to Independent Living (TRPIL) in Washington, PA, and he talked about how TRPIL is helping to introduce clients to assistive technology (AT).
He said AT can be "any device that allows a person with a disability to live, work, or function more independently and effectively." It can be something relatively simple, like a mount on the side of a power wheelchair that allows the person to hold a phone; or something more intricate like smart home devices, that can be voice-activated and could be vital. "If someone is home alone and has a fall, they can have a smart device call for an ambulance."
Johnson said the state has a number of Assistive Technology Resource Centers (ATRCs), each requiring a license. TRPIL has the license and is the local ATRC for Washington, Greene, Fayette, Bedford, Blair, Cambria, and Somerset Counties. This means that TRPIL is the local outreach partner for TechOWL (Technology for Our Whole Lives), the commonwealth's Assistive Technology Act Program that is funded through state and federal grants. Michelle Rockwell, who previously worked with TRPIL, recently accepted the position of TRPIL's assistive technology specialist.
Johnson said services offered through TRPIL can be broken down into four categories:
Public Awareness & Device Demonstrations – Not only can TRPIL help locate service providers and select devices that may help, but staff can also participate in conferences or expos to increase awareness of AT.
Training & Technical Assistance – TRPIL offers AT training and assistance to service providers in other fields so they, in turn, can better help people with disabilities – for example, assisting schools that are working with students who are transitioning into the workforce, or service organizations planning to discharge someone from a nursing home into the community.
Funding Assistance – TRPIL is aware of different resources that are available and is able to assist with funding to make sure red tape doesn't prevent someone from receiving the help they need. One way is through Pennsylvania Assistive Technical Foundation, which provides low- to no-interest loans for those who qualify.
Assistive Technology Lending Library – TRPIL also participates in a lending library, which allows individuals to try a device for free for a limited time to determine if that device can help them before it is purchased. Individuals may even use the library to obtain a loaner device while their own is being repaired.
"We just want to get people in the front door to show them what we have, and hopefully link them to AT that will increase their independence and improve the quality of their lives."
For more information, call (724) 223-5115 or visit
Voices for Independence and TRPIL are proud to announce their upcoming 8th Annual Walk*Run*Roll 5K, which will take place at 9 a.m. Saturday, May 20, at the South Strabane Township Community Park. Online registrations are open now at Registration/check-in will begin 8 a.m. the day of the event, followed by the 5K. This event will support both VFI and TRPIL independent living programs, such as Home Modifications, the Wellness Center, and the accompanying article's featured department, Assistive Technology. Sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information, contact Joann Naser, chief development officer, at (724) 223-5115 or by email at