Featured Healthcare Provider
Ed Piccharini, CEO
Michael Brownlee, Communication Coordinator
What is the most utilized service that your organization provides?
Arc Human Services provides Residential Services for adults with Intellectual and Mental Health diagnoses. These homes are staffed based on the needs of the individuals that reside in each home. Additionally, Arc Human Services provides In-Home, Companion, and Respite Supports.
Are there any services that you offer, that people may be unaware of?
Arc Human Services has a Clinical Department that offers Behavioral Support Services for adults with intellectual disabilities and training to outside entities. In addition, in conjunction with local school districts, Arc Human Services operates a Student Transition Program for students 16-21 years old. This program provides a transition experience with specific goals in mind. Students work toward the areas of community/competitive employment and independent living skills. We also provide Employment Services and Job Training to assist individuals with disabilities in securing gainful employment in their communities. Last but certainly not least, Camp-Laugh-A-Lot is an all-inclusive camp that is typically offered during the summer and winter breaks for ages 5 and up. It is an inclusive camp for children and adults, which specializes in individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and mental illness.
What would you say is the most significant obstacle that families face in getting the services their child needs?
Families are faced with trying to learn what services are available and how to access the available resources. Ongoing advocacy efforts and community outreach through school districts, health care facilities, local and state entities, and community providers have increased over the years but ongoing efforts are needed.
What makes your organization unique?
Arc Human Services takes a person-centered approach by wrapping services around the individual and family to provide services based on their specific needs. We strive to provide meaning and relevancy to each person we support and recognize the importance of trauma informed care. Our support staff are trained in trauma informed care and have the ongoing support of the Clinical Department to meet the individual needs of each person supported by Arc Human Services.
What is “trauma informed care?”
When we are "trauma informed" we recognize that individuals seeking service have experienced trauma at some point in their lives as a result of their disability as well as their life circumstances. This may be trauma from events - hospitalizations or medical interventions, not being able to be cared for by family, bullying by peers - or from systemic issues such as lack of access to care, poverty, discrimination or racism. By treating everyone in a manner that is respectful and seeking to understand, we ensure that we do not participate in further traumatization. This is important especially when we support individuals who may not be able to express or share their trauma experiences.
What resource have you found that you would like to share with others?
The Arc of Pennsylvania, the Office of Developmental Programs, Washington County Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, PA Department of Human Services, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration are sources of information for families. Additionally, the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) provides valuable resources for families.